Happy Birthday to Me by Brian Rowe


Happy Birthday to Me

Author: Brian Rowe

Pages [ebook]: 316

Favorite Characters: Kimber & Cameron


Seventeen-year-old Cameron Martin has a huge problem: he’s aging a whole year of his life with each passing day!

High school is hard enough; imagine rapidly aging from seventeen to seventy in a matter of weeks, with no logical explanation, and with prom, graduation, and the state championship basketball game all on the horizon. That’s what happens to Cameron, a popular pretty boy who’s never had to face a day looking anything but perfect.

All Cameron wants to do is go back to normal, but no one, not even the best doctors, can diagnose his condition. When he finds love with a mysterious young woman, however, he realizes his only hope for survival might be with the one person who started his condition in the first place…


 After the first few pages of Happy Birthday to Me, I was sucked into the story. Cameron is such a great character to read about; not quite a bad person, not fully good. His worst faults are selfishness, vanity, and arrogance. Though all three are not uncommon among boys today, they were portrayed in ways that subtly hinted he could be a better person if he actually tried.

Then, of course, he’s cursed to age a year with every day that passes. With that, his life is forever changed.

I loved the writing style of this novel. It was simple diction yet not dull for that, and the plot moved along so quickly I never wanted to stop reading! There were moments when I despised Cameron, moments when I rooted for him, and hilarious times when I wanted to laugh out loud. If a writer can pull you through all of those emotions in a smooth, effortless way, I’m destined to love that book.

And I did fall in love with Happy Birthday to Me. The story was unique as well as interesting-I liked seeing the little changes that came with each passing day. By the end, I was putting aside every other thing I had to do just so I could read the conclusion.

 This is a fantastically fun read that I immensely enjoyed and am sad to see finished. The different elements meshed together in a seamless fashion to form a great young adult novel. It’s definitely one of the better books I’ve read lately. I highly recommend Happy Birthday to Me, and give it 5/5 stars.

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