Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry & Ridley Pearson

Peter and the Starcatchers

Authors: Dave Barry & Ridley Pearson

Peter and the Starcatchers #1
Book 2: Peter and the Shadow Thieves
Book 3: Peter and the Secret of Rundoon

Pages: 451

Memorable Quote: Black Stache had no love for the Queen, no love for women of any sort, except for his ma. He had a real soft spot for his ma, and was truly sorry for the time he’d marooned her.

Favorite Characters
: Molly & Peter


Don’t even think of starting this book unless you’re sitting in a comfortable chair and have lots of time. A fast-paced, impossible-to-put-down adventure awaits as the young orphan Peter and his mates are dispatched to an island ruled by the evil King Zarboff. They set sail aboard the Never Land, a ship carrying a precious and mysterious trunk in its cargo hold, and the journey quickly becomes fraught with excitement and danger. Discover richly developed characters in the sweet but sophisticated Molly, the scary but familiar Black Stache, and the fearless Peter. Treacherous battles with pirates, foreboding thunderstorms at sea, and evocative writing immerses the reader in a story that slowly and finally reveals the secrets and mysteries of the beloved Peter Pan.


I was wary of starting this, because Peter Pan has to be my favorite classic fairy tale. I didn’t think this could possibly live up to my expectations and capture the fun and serious tale that I’ve loved. I was wrong.

Peter and the Starcatchers, while giving a completely different take on how Peter got to Neverland, and how the island actually came to be, is refreshingly original, while still maintaining the adventurous feel of the original tale. I liked the different twists added, and was kept constantly on the edge of my seat. Each chapter was short and quick, often switching viewpoint between several characters: Peter, Molly, Black Stache, and many more. I loved each of them equally, because they were all well-defined and loveable-even the villains. The good old Captain definitely held my interest.

This book had me laughing aloud. The humorous quips and sarcastic remarks, as well as the conversations between Smee and Black Stache, had me trying to stifle my laughter. Even in the most serious of scenes, there was still an air of childish mischief, which I adored.

I loved seeing how everything fell into place by the end of the story. It was a bittersweet ending for me, and while it made complete sense, it saddened me. I was still hoping for that happy thing I knew couldn’t possibly be. Still, a girl can dream.

I really want to read the other books in this series, immediately. I can’t wait to get my hands on them. If they’re as good as this one, they may soon be one of my all-time favorite series. If you’re looking for an action-packed, fairy tale-esque, funny, addicting novel, this is the one for you.

I give Peter and the Starcatchers 5/5 stars.

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