Blog Tour: Two Moon Princess; Tens List & Giveaway!

Today I’m excited and delighted to welcome Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban to the blog! She was kind enough to tell me her top 10 places to read a book [as well as some not so great places to read].




Top 10 Places to Read a Book:
Here are five places to read a book (for your enjoyment) and five places where NOT to read a book (for your safety).
Five places to read a book
1. On the beach
2. On an airplane
3. On the park, at lunch time
4. At a Cafe, while drinking an espresso
5. On your favorite sofa, by the window
Five places where NOT to read a book
1. On the back of a motorcycle (too much wind).
2. Under the desk when your teacher is speaking (teachers are very narcissistic; they like their students to listen to them).
3. Waiting for a bus (You may get too engrossed in the story and miss the bus).
4. While climbing a mountain (you can run into a bear and he can steal your book).
5. While cooking (You may get distracted and burn your food).

Thank you so much Carmen! I would hate to read in the mountains now; you never know when those mischievous bears will take your books!

Want to win a copy of Two Moon Princess? All you need to do is comment below, and leave an email address! I’ll choose one winner with

-US only!
-+1 entry for tweeting/blogging/sharing-must provide link!
-+1 if you’re a follower!

Good luck to all who enter! Two Moon Princess is a great book-I hope you’ll enjoy it too!
Giveaway ends at midnight on April 20th.

12 responses to “Blog Tour: Two Moon Princess; Tens List & Giveaway!”

  1. For the record, I have burned the food because I was too interested in reading a book than I was in cooking the dinner…but the book was good, that should be all that mattered.

    theamethystprincess @ Gmail . com


  2. How funny! I love the where to and where not to read books…
    This book has an interesting array of elements in it!
    Many thanks, Cindi


  3. Funny, there was someone in a Shelfari group who says she frequently reads on the motorcycle. Hopefully she does it with a reader.

    I’d like to enter. Followed you also (Sarah Williams)

    booklove at sawcatsverse dot com


  4. Just found my way to your blog. It’s lovely! That’s a fun list. I would have to add don’t read in the bathtub or pool – too likely to ruin a good book!

    geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com


  5. Love the list of where to read and not to read 🙂

    I’m a twitter and goodreads follower.



  6. I have to say that I’m bad for reading while I cook! If I’m engrossed I just can’t seem to help myself. Thanks for the tips and I look forward to reading your novel!

    feliciarogersauthor at yahoo dot com


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